ways to repurpose writing prompts

5 Ways to Repurpose Writing Prompts for Fun Classroom Activities

Do you ever get tired of using the same old writing prompts in your classroom? If so, then you’ll love these five ideas for repurposing writing prompts for fun classroom alternatives! These activities are perfect for upper elementary students and will help keep them engaged in their learning. Plus, they’re a lot of fun! So why not give them a try today?

Here’s how to repurpose writing prompts for fun classroom activities:

Create advertising posters.

Students will love creating an advertising poster using a response-to-reading writing prompt from your current read-aloud or class novel study. They can be as creative as they want, using bright colors and fun fonts.

Make a game from writing prompts.

Turn the writing prompt into a game by challenging students to come up with as many ideas as they can in a certain amount of time. In the next round, you might have students come up with as many opening hooks as they can. In a third round, you might have them brainstorm a list of catchy conclusions. Before they know it your students will have a whole rough draft written and be ready for a peer editing session. Download a free peer revising and editing checklist here!

repurpose writing prompts with games

Use writing prompts for fun drama activities.

Students can act out their favorite writing prompt. This is a great way to get them moving and using their imaginations.

For a drama activity, have students choose one of the prompt options and write a short skit. They can perform their skit for the class or in small groups.

turn writing prompts into drama activities

Use writing prompts for fun art activities.

Have students create a piece of artwork that represents their chosen prompt. If it’s a narrative prompt, they can tell their story with illustrations in a comic book style. You could also explore different art mediums from painting to sculpture to collage. Have students write up a short explanation of their artwork and how it relates to the prompt.

turn writing prompts into art activites

Use prompts for video essays.

Try repurposing a how-to writing prompt into a video tutorial activity. Students can film themselves demonstrating how to do something related to their prompt as the stars of their very own DIY show.

These are just a few ideas for how you can repurpose writing prompts, but there are endless possibilities. So get creative and have fun with it! Your students will thank you for it! After the break, they will be ready to return to traditional writing. Put a tool in their hands for peer editing with this free download of my editing and revising checklist.

free download an editing a revising checklist

Do you have any favorite ways to repurpose writing prompts? Share them in the comments below! I’m always looking for new ideas. 🙂

Happy teaching!

P.S. Check out more from the blog here.

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