Stop spending your nights, weekends, and family time grading, prepping and doing all the things!

Together, let's work smater-not-harder to make your lessons amazing.

Let me help you transform your planning and grading habits so you have the freedom to live a full life outside the classroom.

I get it! You want to be that amazing elementary teacher that your students will remember fondly when they’re heading off to college…maybe even be reminisced about in a commencement speech. You also want to be an amazing spouse, parent, sibling, child, and friend. 

I HAVE GOOD NEWS…It is possible to be great at your job and still have quality time (AND ENERGY!) left for the most important parts of your life.   

I have been right where you are. Lugging a school bag back and forth every day and watching it sit on the kitchen table, silently making me feel guilty for either not getting the grading done or not spending time with my family. But no more! I said goodbye to the bag of shame and I can help you do the same!  

upper elementary Language Arts

Everything you need to make ELAR prep easy without sacrificing the rigor.

Teaching Tips and Tricks

Whenever I find a new idea, something that makes me smile, or time-saving tool, I just have to pass it on!

upper elementary

Check out all my secrets for make math  most enjoyable block of the day.

Hi, I'm Aletha!

I help hard-working 2nd-5th grade teachers like you create memorable and engaging lessons for their students without spending every drop of emotional and physical energy to make it happen.


You’re in the right place if:

  • You find yourself saying “no” to things you want to do because you have “school-stuff” to finish first.
  • You still think designing lessons with high student engagement is a non-negotiable
  • You want to fall  asleep asleep at night and not wake up in the wee hours of the morning with a to-do list running through your head. (If only counting to-dos worked as well as counting sheep…)


The first step I made in getting over those same hurdles was to put some grading systems in place–to save time on my least favorite tasks, so I would have time for the other more important, and enjoyable, things on my list.  That’s why I created a universal math rubric. It has been so life-changing that I just have to share it to help you save tons of time and still get the essential formative assessment that you need.

But one new grading habit is just the beginning.

I know you need support for lesson planning and implementation too!

If you’re ready to teach more and teach better while finally leaving school on time, without “homework”, I’ve got all kinds of resources for you.


The first email you’ll get is the math rubric with complete instructions. And then you’ll get a free lesson, activity, or tool to use in your class delivered to your inbox every other week. I won’t leave you hanging!  


You actually get a direct connection to ME. You can reach out anytime and I’ll hold your hand through the ups and downs of doing it all well, while doing all on a time-budget. 


Seriously, you can’t do this wrong!


From The Blog

Imagine if you could leave every day right after car line!

You can make time in your busy schedule for family and even YOURSELF!

It all starts with creating a few simple habits to get you out the planning, prepping, grading hamster wheel that has become the norm in elementary classrooms.

Imagine if you could…

  • Grade math papers instantly.
  • Provide real and valuable feedback to parents and students.
  • Save yourself hours of grading

I can help you get to happy hour while you’re still HAPPY!

You've got nothing to lose and time to save!