miraculous journey of edward tulane extension activities

Taking The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Beyond the Pages: Creative Extension Activities

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo is an absolute gem of a book—perfect for upper elementary students who are ready to dive into deeper themes of love, loss, and transformation. It’s a beautifully written story about a china rabbit named Edward who starts his life as a vain and selfish toy, only to be taught important lessons about life and love through a series of extraordinary experiences. Along the way, Edward is lost, found, broken, and repaired, encountering many different people who help him change and grow. 

This book is full of opportunities for discussion, reflection, and some really creative extension activities to make your ELA lessons unforgettable!

Short Summary of the Book

Edward Tulane is no ordinary toy rabbit. Crafted from fine china, he is a beloved (and rather self-absorbed) companion to a young girl named Abilene. But when Edward Tulane is lost overboard during a family vacation, his journey truly begins. Over the course of many years, Edward passes from one owner to the next—a fisherman’s wife, a hobo, a young girl suffering from illness—each teaching him a valuable lesson about love, compassion, and vulnerability. With each new experience, Edward’s heart softens, and he begins to understand what it means to truly love and be loved. By the end of his journey, Edward is transformed in ways he never could have imagined. 

Now, let’s explore some awesome ways to extend this miraculous journey into your classroom with activities that will captivate your students and spark meaningful discussions!


1. Being Lost and Losing Things Game

Something all kids have in common is their ability to lose things! And most students will have a great story about a time they were lost. Create an automatic text-to-self connection and get kids moving at the same time by playing a game of “Have You Ever–the Lost Version”. 


miraculous journey of edward tulane extension activities


In this game the class stands in a circle with one person (the IT) in the middle. The IT will share an example of a time they were lost or lost something by saying “Have your ever….(example) been lost inside a grocery store?” Everyone who has that experience in common has to leave their place in the circle and go find a new place. The player who cannot find an open place in the circle become the new IT and asks the next “have you ever…” question.


2. Character Journey Map

One of the most powerful parts of Edward Tulane’s story is how he changes over time, and creating a Character Journey Map is a great way for students to visualize his transformation.

  • Activity: Have students create a timeline or journey map that shows Edward’s emotional growth throughout the story. Each stop on his journey should include the name of the person he lived with at that point, a description of how Edward changed, and a symbol or drawing representing that part of his journey.
  • Extension Idea: Take it a step further by having students write journal entries from Edward’s perspective at each point in the journey, reflecting on what he’s learned.


3. Heart Metaphor Art Project

In the story, Edward Tulane’s heart is metaphorically transformed from cold and unfeeling to warm and open. This theme lends itself beautifully to a hands-on art project that gets students thinking deeply about their own emotions.


miraculous journey of edward tulane extension activities


  • Activity: Have students create a heart art project that represents Edward’s heart at different stages of the book. They can use construction paper, paint, markers, or any other art supplies you have on hand. Encourage them to be creative—maybe Edward’s heart is a block of ice at the beginning, but by the end, it’s bursting with color and life!
  • Extension Idea: Once students have created their heart art, have them write a paragraph explaining their artistic choices and how they reflect Edward Tulane’s emotional journey.


4. Empathy Walk: Stepping Into Someone Else’s Shoes

Empathy is a huge theme in this book, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to help your students practice stepping into someone else’s shoes—just like Edward learns to do over the course of the story.


miraculous journey of edward tulane extension activities


  • Activity: After reading, organize an “Empathy Walk” in your classroom. Give each student a card with the name of one of the characters Edward Tulane encounters (Abilene, Nellie, Bull, Sarah Ruth, etc.). Each student will “walk” in that character’s shoes, describing what they think that character learned from Edward and what Edward learned from them.
  • Extension Idea: As an extra challenge, have students write a letter from their character to Edward, telling him what they hope he remembers from their time together. This is a powerful way to reflect on the lessons each character taught.


5. The Power of Love: Discussion & Writing Prompt

One of the most touching parts of the story is the theme of love—how it changes, challenges, and heals Edward Tulane. This theme makes for some great reflective discussions and writing prompts.

  • Activity: After finishing the book, hold a class discussion on the power of love in Edward’s journey. What did love mean to him at the beginning? How did it change by the end? Why is love such an important part of the human (or rabbit!) experience? You can write students’ thoughts on the board to guide the conversation.
  • Extension Idea: As a follow-up, assign a writing prompt where students reflect on someone or something they love and how that love has impacted them. Encourage them to be as descriptive and heartfelt as possible!


6. Novel Study Guide for The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

To make planning your reading lessons even easier, consider using a novel study guide to support students as they read. This novel study includes chapter-by-chapter comprehension questions, vocabulary lists, literacy activities, and writing prompts. By using this novel study as a guide, you can help students stay engaged with the text while providing structure to their reading.

For an effortless planning experience, this ready-made resource for Edward Tulane will take the guesswork out of creating lesson plans, leaving you more time to focus on engaging discussions and fun extension activities like the ones above.


miraculous journey of edward tulane extension activities


To find this Edward Tulane novel study on TPT, click here.


Bringing The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane to Life

Reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane with your students is a beautiful way to explore themes like love, loss, resilience, and empathy. By incorporating these extension activities into your lessons, you’ll bring the story to life in a way that engages your students’ hearts and minds.

So whether you’re creating character journey maps, crafting heart art projects, or stepping into someone else’s shoes, you’re sure to make this miraculous journey one your students will never forget. 


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