fun with fractions

My 2nd Best Tip for Teaching Fractions: Have Fun with Fractions

When it comes to teaching fractions, we all know the tried-and-true methods: visual models, hands-on activities, and plenty of practice. These strategies are essential, no doubt about it—they lay the groundwork for understanding fractions in a concrete way. (In fact, if you don’t already have a printable set of fraction strips for your class, you should download this free set immediately!)  But today I’m sharing my second best time for teaching fractions…have fun with fractions! Spoiler alert: this tip will work for any concept you’re teaching! 


fun with fractions circles

Tip: Have fun with fractions!


Think Fun and Out-of-the-Box

Yes, you heard me right! While visual models are fantastic for laying the foundation, injecting a bit of extra fun into your fractions lessons can take learning to a whole new level. Imagine your students not just understanding fractions, but buzzing about them long after the bell rings. That’s the power of making learning memorable!


Why Fun Matters

Let’s face it, fractions can sometimes feel like a grind for both students and teachers alike. That’s why adding a splash of creativity can make all the difference. Whether it’s using games, real-world examples, or even a themed day dedicated to fractions, these experiences create lasting memories that help concepts stick.


fun with fractions brain science


The Science Behind It

Ever heard of episodic memory? It’s that cool part of our brain that links learning with personal experiences. When we connect fractions to something enjoyable and memorable, like a fun activity or game, our brains are more likely to retain that information longer. And that’s exactly what we want for our students—to remember fractions not just for the test, but for life!


Putting It Into Practice

So, how can you bring this into your classroom? It could be as simple as a fraction pizza party where students create and measure their own slices, or perhaps a scavenger hunt where they find fractions in everyday objects. Or how about a fraction fashion show where students design outfits that can be described by fractions (i.e. – Three-fourths of the ensemble is blue). Getting creative and tailoring activities to your students’ interests is the key.


fun with fractions fashion show


Grab Your Fraction Fun

Ready to dive in? I’ve curated some awesome resources to help you add that extra sparkle to your fractions lessons. Whether you teach 3rd grade (check out the PINK options!) or 4th grade (go for the PURPLE bundle!), there’s something here to have fun with fractions to make them exciting and engaging for everyone.


    fun with fractions 4th grade


Remember, teaching isn’t just about covering the curriculum—it’s about sparking curiosity and making learning an adventure. So go ahead, embrace the fun side of fractions, and watch your students’ understanding—and enthusiasm—soar!

Check out more on fractions and the versatility of fraction strips in this blog post!

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