Valentine’s Day Nouns and Pronouns Task Cards



Do you need low-prep Valentine’s Day nouns and pronouns task cards to practice grammar skills? Would it be nice to celebrate February with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards? Look no further. This versatile set of Valentine’s Day-themed nouns and pronouns task cards has your February grammar practice covered.

40 Valentine’s Day Nouns and Pronouns Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter-page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer-friendly quarter-page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel-ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TpT. To access the Easel-ready version of these task cards, purchase this resource through the “Buy on TPT” button.

Valentine’s Day Nouns and Pronouns Task Cards Skills:

  • possessive nouns
  • common and proper nouns
  • capitalization rules for proper nouns
  • spelling changes for plural nouns
  • irregular plural nouns
  • noun and pronoun agreement
  • types of nouns including collective nouns, concrete nouns and abstract nouns

PLEASE NOTE: The questions and tasks on these cards may be identical to my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Please check the preview to see all the academic content in detail.

To prepare Valentine’s Day Nouns and Pronouns Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Valentine’s Day Nouns and Pronouns Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cards on the walls for Write the Room.
  • Place task cards at a table to be completed as a language arts station.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite game.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.
  • Display one task card at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers
  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.


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Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.

valentine's day nouns and pronouns task cards

Valentine’s Day Nouns and Pronouns Task Cards
